Activities by the Hajj Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Holy Medina
The Hajj mission of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in holy Medina held meetings with the hajj missions of Great Ayatollahs Saafi Golpaigani, Shubairi Zanjani, and Jafar Sobhani in the holy City. During these meetings, which took place on July 30, various subjects on Islamic jurisprudence as well as the activities of Shia Endowment Offices in the west, nonviolence and the role of UN human rights councils were discussed.
The Hajj Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi also hosted missions of other Islamic authorities and jurists, including Ayatollah Bashir Najafi, Ayatollah Fayaadh, and Ayatollah Saafi Golpaigani. The latest situation of the Muslim world and various cultural and religious topics were discussed in these meetings.
The Grand Jurist’s Hajj Office also hosted groups of hajj pilgrims from all across the world. Religious speeches and congregational prayers by Sheikh Talib Salehi were among the activities of the Grand Jurist’s Office in holy Medina. It is worth noting that the hajj Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi hosted a conference in holy Medina, during which the participants discussed their religious and cultural programs in western countries. As the pilgrims continue their rituals in holy Mecca, the hajj missions of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi will also travel to holy Mecca and offer their services to the pilgrims.