Imam Hussein TV Broadcasts Hussaini Memorials in Five Languages

Imam Hussein Media Group, dependent to the Grand Shia Jurist Ayatollah Shirazi in holy Karbala provides media coverage for the memorials of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in different parts of the world. These programs are streamed on Imam Hussein TV 1, 2, 3, and 4 as well as Al-Zahra TV in the five languages of Arabic, English, Persian, Urdu, and Turkish. These memorials were hosted at al-Zahra Mosque in Los Angeles, Ale Yasin Husayniya in Sydney Australia, Zainabiya Center in Bahrain, Baitul Abbas Husayniya in Melbourne Australia, Imam Hasan Mojtaba center in Sweden, Rasul Adham Center in London and several other Islamic centers dependent to the Grand Jurist Ayatollah Shirazi.