Shia Rights Watch Writes to Al-Azhar University on the Day of Ashura

On the threshold of the Day of Ashura, Shia Rights Watch, a human rights organization in Washington DC sent a message to the Al-Azhar University, insisting on avoidance of hatred and tolerance during these times.

Some parts of the statement read as follows:

“Shia Rights Watch reminds that all forms of mourning rituals in memory of Ashura are strictly religious practices and they should not be viewed as means of division or hatred towards any specific religion. The rituals of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) are the means to propagate the message of genuine Islam through the words and actions of the God’s holy messenger and the pure AhlulBayt.”

“Shia Rights Watch strongly demands the Al-Azhar University to deprive the enemies from any opportunities to spread their dark and hateful practices and incite violence between the Shia Muslims and other schools of Islam.”