Shia Rights Watch Praises Custodianships of Holy Shrines in Iraq

Shia Rights Watch, dependent on Imam Shirazi World Foundation, published a statement and applauded the health strategies implemented by the custodianships of the holy shrines in Iraq.

Here are some parts of the statement:

“In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Almighty God states in Quran: ‘And whoever venerates the signs of God, it is from the purity of their hearts.”

[Chapter Hajj, Verse 32].

Shia Rights Watch appreciates all measures taken by the custodianships of the holy shrines in Iraq, amid the coronavirus pandemic. The custodianships of the holy shrines in Iraq have done a great job to keep the doors of these holy places open to the visitors and take strict measures such as daily disinfections and checking on the pilgrims, in order to stop the spread of this virus. May God Almighty have mercy on the pilgrims and reward the selfless services of the custodianships of these shrines abundantly.