Nonviolence Incorporation Expresses Worries over Arbitrary Arrests in Jordan
Nonviolence Incorporation (Freemuslim Association) published a public statement, in which it expressed its deepest worries of the recent wave of suspicious and baseless arrests by the Jordanian authorities. Here are parts of the statement:
The recent systematic arrests by the Jordanian authorities have worried Nonviolence Incorporation strongly, and therefore, we demand the legal bodies of the country to run thorough investigations to see into the political and legal repercussions of such behaviors.
According to multiple reports, the Jordanian government carried out targeted raids on its citizens and took them in custody, without presenting any legal grounds for this behavior. Subsequent to these arbitrary arrests, Jordanian people are extremely worried over the unsurfaced conflicts within the country.
Nonviolence Incorporation urgently calls on the Jordanian authorities to enlighten the public about these arrests as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the country’s authorities should take into account the harsh consequences of igniting political rift and conflict and jeopardizing the social stability and democracy in this country.