The Large Husseini Project of Arbaeen 2021

The Large Husseini Project, was started in 2005 by the orders of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi which aims to improve the level of services provided to the pilgrims in the Arbaeen pilgrimage. In this year Arbaeen, more than 700 volunteers distributed food, drinking water and other items to the pilgrims inside and outside of holy Karbala. This project also tries to facilitate transportation and other civil services. Since the 10th of the month of Safar, over 30000 pilgrims have used these services such as free resting place and food. It is worth noting that this project provides thousands of meals, truckloads of ice cubes, and thousands of loaves of bread to the pilgrims on a daily basis. This project also distributes meat to volunteer groups. This project has also recruited over 500 volunteers to clean the city of Karbala, in and after the Arbaeen pilgrimage.