Freemuslim Releases Statement to G20 Osaka Summit
On the threshold of the 14th meeting of G20 countries, which will be hosted by Japan in Osaka on 29 June 2019, Freemuslim Association published a statement that comes as follows:
“The fourteenth meeting of the world economic leaders, also known as the G20 summit, will be hosted in the Japanese coastal city of Osaka on June 29, 2019. The summit will focus on discussing policies pertaining to financial and security issues.”
The rest of the statement reads:
“Freemuslim expects the world leaders at the G20 summit to address the threat of growing tensions in different parts of the world and design coherent policies in order to restore peace and stability, as a means to ensure economic and humanitarian progress worldwide, particularly in conflict zones. At the moment, political clashes between nations have overshadowed the prospects of human rights in many countries. It is needless to mention that as a result of economic and political turmoil in many countries, the humanitarian situation has been going south for many decades. The populist and nationalist agendas of certain countries have also exacerbated the current situation in many different parts of the world. Freemuslim Association demands the world leaders at G20 summit to review their policies and try to assist nations that struggle with economic, political and humanitarian issues, regardless of their race and ethnicity. The lack of a coherent approach to the existent crises by the world powers have also created negative repercussions. In the light of these events, Freemuslim Association demands all world powers to exclude humanitarian issues from their disputes and adopt constructive and cooperative policies with respect to the crises in the Middle East.”